Thursday, April 30, 2015
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
4/24 EXAM Unit 11
1. Professor
Halley is interested in researching the relationship between altruism,
attraction, and aggression. Specifically,
she hypothesizes that the factors that increase attractiveness will make people
more likely to be altruistic and less likely to be aggressive.
A: Identify and
explain two concepts from the list below that Professor Halley might use as
independent variables in her research?
• Aversive events
• Proximity
• Bystander effect
• Similarity
B: Identify and
explain one concept from the list below Professor Halley most likely to use
as a dependent variable in her research.
• Aversive events
• Proximity
• Similarity
• Bystander effect
C: Using your knowledge of the social psychological
principles involved in altruism, attraction, and aggression, explain your
position on Professor Halley’s hypothesis. Use
the following terms in your answer:
• Frustration-aggression
• Reciprocity
• Social
Thursday, April 23, 2015
4/22-23 Mod 78-80 Aggression to Attractiveness
Group Assignments for Student to Student Talk and Learning
4/21 Hawthorne Effect
The Social Animal by Eliot Aronson (Chapter Nine)
In 1898 a
psychologist named Norman Triplett performed the very first social
Psychological experiment. Triplett had noted that bicycle racers made faster speeds
when they raced against one another than when they raced individually against
the clock. From this observation he developed the hypothesis that performance
improves in competition with others. He tested this hypothesis in his
laboratory by having children turn fishing reels. The children were asked to
turn the reels as quickly as they could and he measured their speed. He found
that when two children worked together (each with his own reel), their
respective speeds exceeded either child's pace when working alone. Triplett's
observation has been repeated many times since. The effect - enhanced
performance when working competitively - has come to be called social
More recent
experiments have shown that competition is not the essential factor underlying
social facilitation. Just having an audience can improve performance. The best
example of this was an experiment conducted in primary-school classrooms by
psychologist Robert Rosenthal. Randomly chosen children were singled out for
observation by experimenters who periodically visited the class. Just being
observed was found to improve the children's school performance.
The exact mechanism
by which social facilitation operates is unknown. However, one thing is quite
clear - its very existence presents a problem for social psychologists. If
people change their behavior simply because they are being observed, then the
possibility exists that subjects in psychological experiments (who know they
are being observed) may not be reacting in their normal manner. Social
facilitation rather than the experimenter's manipulations may be responsible
for any changes in behavior. This means that social psychologists who design
experiments to measure one variable may find that they are studying something
quite different. This is exactly what happened in the classic experiments at
Employee Relations
In the years
preceding the Great Depression of the 1930s manufacturing industries grew at
incredible rates throughout the industrialized world. Economies boomed
throughout the 1920s and unemployment was relatively rare (but not unheard of).
Although profits were healthy, little of this money actually filtered down to
the workers. Wages were often barely above subsistence level.
What is more,
working hours were long (50 hours per week was not uncommon) and conditions
were harsh. Coffee breaks were unknown and worker exploitation was common.
Workers were often forced to kick back part of their wages to their
supervisors, they could be fired without notice (and without cause) and sexual
exploitation of female employees was routine. There were few strong unions to
protect workers in those days; the power was almost entirely with management.
Against this
background the Western Electric Company's plant at Hawthorne, Chicago (known as
the Hawthorne Works), was something of a model of industrial enlightenment. The
plant was owned by the giant American Telephone and Telegraph Company and
manufactured telephone equipment. Even in the 1920s the Hawthorne Works
included an industrial relations branch which looked after all aspects of
employee relations. The branch saw to it that workers were placed in jobs best
suited to them. It arranged for extra training for those workers keen for
advancement and it even undertook to advise employees about personal problems,
education, health, advancement and savings. The company ran a stock
participation plan in which employees could buy shares in the company; an
insurance office was set up in the plant to advise workers on their insurance
needs; a building society association was established to help employees buy
homes; sickness, accident and death benefit plans were operated by the company;
the company even ran a recreational and social program.
While the Hawthorne
Works could hardly be compared to some of the sweatshops operating early in
this century, it should be made clear that its industrial relations policies
were not entirely benevolent. Workers still could be dismissed without notice
and any attempt to form a union was quashed rapidly. In fact many of the
employee benefits were designed to keep workers happy and non-unionized.
Perhaps because of
their appreciation of the "human element" in the workplace, Western
Electric managers were anxious to involve the newly developing field of
industrial psychology in their manufacturing plants. In 1924 the Hawthorne
Works, in collaboration with the National Research Council, began a series of
experiments on the factors influencing industrial output in their Chicago
plant. These experiments were the beginning of a research program that lasted
until 1932.
The Illumination
psychologists began doing research in industry before the turn of the century,
industrial psychology was hardly a burgeoning field even in the 1920s.
Practically all of industrial psychology was concerned with the influence on
worker output of the "physical" conditions prevailing at a factory.
Indeed, most industrial psychologists were behaviorists who eschewed all
motivational and social influences on the individual. They acted as if changes
in the physical environment (number of rest pauses, amount of light,
temperature, and so on) directly affected output. Workers were viewed as
extensions of the machines they operated, mere cogs in a giant assembly line
whose feelings, desires, needs and motives could be safely ignored.
It should not be
surprising, therefore, that the National Research Council's industrial
psychologists decided to investigate the effects of a physical variable - level
of illumination - on productivity at the Hawthorne Works. The research began in
1924 with observations of workers in three departments, each engaged in
different work. Without warning the workers, illumination in each of the three
departments was progressively increased. The researchers expected all three
groups of workers to increase their output with increased illumination. But
things did not quite work out this way. Despite identical treatment, the three
groups responded differently. In one department, illumination and productivity
were totally unrelated. In the others, output sometimes increased and at other
times did not. There seemed to be no consistent relationship between
illumination changes and productivity.
The researchers
worried that their results could be due to the different work being done in the
three departments. They reasoned that some jobs might be more sensitive to
light levels than others. So they decided to conduct a controlled experiment
using workers from just one department. Two groups of workers were chosen so as
to be about equal in experience. The first group was designated the control
group. Control group workers continued to work in the conditions to which they
were accustomed. The experimental group, however, worked under light
intensities that were systematically varied. Sometimes the illumination was
increased; at other times it was decreased. The results, however, were not
quite what the experimenters expected. They did find that illumination
increases led to increased productivity in the experimental group, but
productivity also increased in the control group whose illumination level
remained unchanged. Even more surprising was what happened when light levels
were decreased in the experimental group. Their productivity continued to rise!
Further manipulation of light levels only served to confirm these observations.
Productivity continued to rise in both the experimental and control groups irrespective
of whether illumination was increased, decreased or remained the same. The only
way the researchers could actually produce a decrease in productivity was by
reducing the level of illumination in the experimental group to the equivalent
of moonlight!
The researchers
were naturally perplexed by their results and undertook to repeat the
experiment again with tighter controls over illumination levels. The results,
however, were the same. Experimental groups working under increasing
illumination increased their productivity, but so did the control group whose
physical environment was unchanged. Even those workers who had their light
levels decreased produced more. In short, no matter what the experimenters did
to the light levels, productivity increased by the same amount in all groups.
From today's
perspective, these findings can be viewed as constituting another demonstration
of the influence of social facilitation. Somehow subjects chosen to participate
in an experiment - who knew they were being observed - altered their behavior.
Even those in the control condition, who were working under the same physical
conditions that they always worked under, improved their performance when they
were being watched. However, there is a big difference between labeling a
phenomenon "social facilitation" and explaining how it works. The
researchers realized that their apparently contradictory results had to be
caused by uncontrolled variables operating in the experiment. But they made no
attempt to identify these variables or explain their findings. Instead, they
recommended that more research be conducted. This recommendation was followed
by psychologists from Harvard University who, along with their colleagues at
Hawthorne, were responsible for the classic experiments described next.
The Hawthorne
experiments were actually a collaborative effort, but their results were
popularized by the leader of the research team, Elton Mayo. Mayo was born in
1881 in Adelaide, South Australia. He received his initial education in South
Australia, graduating from the University of Adelaide in 1899. Mayo's academic
career began at the University of Queensland in Brisbane where he lectured in
philosophy and logic, eventually becoming a professor in 1919. Mayo immigrated
to America in the 1920s. He first took up an academic post at the University of
Pennsylvania and then moved to Harvard University in 1926. Mayo's appointment
at Harvard was not in psychology but in industrial relations. He was appointed
head of the newly formed department of industrial research in the Harvard
Graduate School of Business Administration. The new department was largely
funded by John D. Rockefeller Jr. a person Mayo came to know quite well.
Mayo's appointment to
this new department indicated a shift in thinking in the field of industrial
psychology. Unlike the typical industrial psychologist, Mayo was not nearly so
interested in the physical conditions governing output as he was in the social
relationships among workers, and between workers and their supervisors. Mayo
had some research experience in industry but he was mainly known as an
integrator of various social science areas. He had written on psychiatry,
social psychology, anthropology and politics. Mayo viewed his new job as a way
to apply social and clinical psychology in the workplace. His interest was in
determining how the social and emotional needs of workers operate to affect
productivity. He also believed that enlightened human relations in industry
would increase industrial harmony and decrease worker—management conflict.
Mayo joined Harvard
at the time the illumination experiments were being conducted at Hawthorne.
These experiments ended the research collaboration between the National
Research Council and Western Electric. In 1927 a new collaborative research
program began, this time between the Harvard industrial research group led by
Mayo and the Hawthorne researchers. This research program lasted six years; the
outcome was what later became known as the "human relations" movement
in industry.
Although the
Hawthorne research program actually consisted of several experiments as well as
an attitude survey, most historical attention has been given to the first
experiment which was concerned with worker fatigue. The experiment began as
another attempt to investigate the effects of changes in the physical
conditions of work on productivity. The
main focus was on the effect of rest pauses and shorter working hours on worker
output. The experiment was designed to eliminate (or control) those variables
that the researchers believed may have confounded the results of the earlier
illumination studies. To give but one example, the researchers chose employees
whose rate of productivity was determined entirely by themselves rather than
workers whose job involved interacting with a machine. The authors argued that in the illumination experiments,
workers could have adjusted their pace to the machine's speed, thereby
rendering themselves relatively insensitive to changes in illumination.
The experiment was
named after the area of the plant in which it was conducted, the Relay Assembly
Test Room. Six highly experienced female employees were recruited by asking two
who were known to be friends to choose four others. Before the experiment began
the workers received an explanation of the purpose of the research. They were
asked not to strain to overproduce but to work as they normally would. Each
change in the research project was similarly explained before it was introduced.
The workers had the opportunity to make suggestions about proposed
modifications and their ideas were often incorporated into the experimental
When the experiment
began the workers were taken out of their normal departments and put in a
special area separated from the rest of the department by a three-meter
partition. This area was designated the Relay
Assembly Test Room. The room was well
lit and its temperature and humidity were carefully regulated. In addition the
six employees were given regular medical check-ups.
The room contained
an assembly bench at which five of the women sat assembling telephone relays. The sixth worker provided the others
with a constant supply of parts. Constructing the relays required a fair degree
of skill. Each relay consisted of a coil armature, contact springs, an
insulator and many fasteners (35 parts in all) secured into a fixture with four screws. The workers chosen for the experiment produced about 500 relays
each in an average day.
The experiment began
in April 1927 and lasted for more than
two years; it consisted of 13
periods. Period 1 actually occurred before the beginning of the experiment. For
two weeks prior to the move to a separate room, and unknown to the women, a
record had been kept of their productivity. This record was used as a base-line
upon which to evaluate later changes in their output. During the experiment
productivity was measured in two ways. First, an observer and several
assistants were placed in the room and told to record "everything that
happens". In addition, as each completed relay was dropped in a slot in
the bench, a specially constructed mechanical device automatically kept a tally
of each worker's productivity. During their first five weeks in the test room
no changes in hours or rests were introduced. This provided the authors with
another five weeks of baseline data and also told them whether just moving to a
new room affected productivity. These five weeks constituted period 2.
At the end of
period 2 a new method of incentive payment was introduced. Before moving to the
test room the workers were paid according to the production level of their
entire department. The six workers in the experiment, however, were taken off
this pay system and were formed into a special group for pay purposes. This
meant that their earnings would be more closely tied to their own, rather than
the whole department's productivity. This change in pay was period 3 of the
Following the
introduction of the incentive payment scheme, rest pauses were introduced into
the working day. Several different varieties of rest pauses were instituted.
Each type was evaluated for a fixed period before the next type was tried. In
sequence, the workers received:
Period 4. Two five-minute rest pauses (one
in the morning and one in the afternoon).
Period 5. Two 10-minute rest pauses.
Period 6. Six five-minute rest pauses
distributed throughout the day.
Period 7. The company provided snacks
during a 15-minute morning break; a second 10-minute pause occurred in the
Following these
manipulations the investigators began to introduce variations in the length of
the working day. Again, in sequence, the working day was changed so that:
Period 8. Work ended at 4.30 p.m. instead
of 5 p.m.
Period 9. Work ended at 4 p.m.
Period 10. Work conditions reverted back to
those of period 7.
Period 11. Saturday work was eliminated.
Period 12. Work conditions reverted back to
those of period 3.
Period 13. Work conditions reverted back to
those of period 7.
Although the
various periods were not of equal length, no period, except for the original
two-week base-line, lasted less than four weeks and many lasted for two or
three months. Productivity data were examined for each of these 13 periods. In
addition the workers were interviewed and their interpersonal behavior at work
was also recorded. As might be imagined, after more than two years of
recording, the experimenters had collected a mountain of data. The
experimenters chose to emphasize one aspect of their data - the one they found
most surprising. This was that, with only small variations, productivity showed
an almost unbroken rise from period 1 to period 13. The experimenters contended
that no matter what the conditions prevailing in a period and despite the
reversion to a longer working day in period 12, the women continued to increase
the number of relays they produced. At the beginning of the experiment the
women produced about 2400 relays in an average week. Two years later the
average was 3000. Although periods 7, 10 and 13 had very similar working
conditions (morning and afternoon breaks with a morning snack), the average
output climbed from 2500 relays per week in period 7 to 2800 relays in period
10 and 3000 relays per week in period 13.
These results are
quite similar to those obtained in the illumination experiments. Although the
researchers hoped to demonstrate that productivity varies with changes in rest
pauses and working hours, they found instead that productivity increased
regardless of the manipulations they made. Once again, social facilitation
appears to have occurred. But why? The workers themselves were asked why they
produced more in the experimental context but they could not say. A partial
answer came from the reports of the observers who monitored the experiment
throughout the two years. They noted differences between the six workers in the
experiment and other workers in the plant. For example, the six workers rarely
missed any days. Their absences from work were only one-third of the average
for the plant as a whole. In addition their morale seemed higher. They also
grew friendlier toward one another and saw each other socially after work. Not
only did they begin meeting together for parties, they also pitched in to help
anyone who became sick. Their socializing, their separation from other workers,
the envy of the other workers and the experimenters' interest in them, created
in the six women a feeling of being different and special. The researchers
believed that it was this feeling of being part of a special group that led to
increased productivity among the women rather than any changes in working
conditions made by the experimenters. In Mayo's own words:
Undoubtedly, there had been a
remarkable change in attitude in the group. This showed in their recurrent
conferences with high executive authorities. At first shy and uneasy, silent
and perhaps somewhat suspicious of the company's intention, later their
attitude is marked by confidence and candor... The group unquestionably develops
a sense of participation in the critical determinations and becomes something
of a social unit. The developing social unity is illustrated by the
entertainment of each other in their respective homes
Mayo took the
results of this experiment to support the notion that human relations are more
important than physical conditions in determining productivity. He believed
that the workers began to see themselves as a social unit. He interpreted the
improvements in their productivity as the result of group cohesion and morale
rather than 'as the result of changes in incentive payments, rest pauses or
working hours. According to Mayo subgroups are formed because "the
industrial worker wants first, a method of living in social relationship with
other people" and "happiness and such sense of personal security as
may be found in sub ordination of an individual to a common purpose"
Of course there is
another possible explanation for the findings - one that does not depend on
changes in morale but purely on the changed method of payment. Recall that
workers in the experiment were taken off the usual pay system. Instead their
pay was more closely tied to their own productivity. Thus it is possible that
they produced more in the experiment simply because they realized that increased
production led more or less directly to higher pay.
In order to
determine just how important the wage system was in determining the
experiment's results, the Hawthorne experimenters con ducted a second study.
Called the Second Relay Assembly Group study, this experiment was meant to
serve as a control for some aspects of the first. Workers selected for this
second experiment were seated next to one another in the regular relay assembly
department. They were put on the same incentive payment system used in the
first experiment, but except for this change they worked as they normally did.
Not only were they not segregated into a separate room, they also received no
special rest pauses or any change in working hours. After nine weeks it seemed
clear that productivity had risen among the workers placed on the new incentive
pay system. Thus even without the development of group identities and even
without changes in their physical environment, these workers increased their
output. This productivity increase, which could only be due to the new pay
scheme, amounted to about 13 per cent. This was substantial, but only half the
gain in productivity observed in the original experiment. Thus the
experimenters concluded that changes in the pay system alone could not account
for the entire productivity improvement obtained in the first Relay Assembly
Room experiment.
The results of the
Hawthorne experiments or, more specifically, Mayo's interpretation of them, led
to the development of human relations as an important research area not only
for psychologists but also for industry. After Hawthorne, industrial
psychologists could not continue to look upon workers as just a bundle of
skills hooked onto the end of a machine. No longer was it possible to view
workers as responding automatically to changes in physical conditions such as
light, heat or rest. Instead the human relations movement forced managers and
researchers to look upon workers as flesh-and-blood organisms with feelings and
instincts, whose relationships with those around them influence how they
The Hawthorne
research program did not end with the two experiments already described. There
were further studies as well as a large-scale attitude survey designed to
uncover employee attitudes toward management and their feelings about one
another. Of this additional research the experiment that received the most
attention is known today as the Bank Wiring Observation Room experiment.
Actually this was not an experiment at all. There were no control groups and no
true experimental manipulations. Instead the research consisted of the close
monitoring of the performance of nine male workers. Like the workers in the
Relay Assembly Test Room, the nine male workers were isolated from the others.
Their task was wiring and soldering banks of terminals. Once again a baseline
measure of productivity was taken. After this period the men were placed on a
sophisticated wage-incentive system modeled on the one introduced in the Relay
Assembly Room experiment. The system ensured that in those who produced more
would receive greater rewards.
Although the
incentive pay system rewarded maximum individual productivity, the researchers
found that workers failed to maximize their output. Instead productivity
changed very little from week to week and from person to person. When
questioned about their performance, the workers in the Bank Wiring Observation
Room made it clear that they believed that wiring two banks (6000 terminals)
constituted a "fair day's work". This view was so widely held that
instead of maximizing their output, the workers adjusted their reported
productivity to conform with this group "norm". Thus when reporting
their productivity some workers overestimated what they had done, others underestimated.
The effect was to keep the average output at two banks per day. When the
experimenters analyzed the actual production data - rather than the output
reported by the workers - they found that only three of the nine men
consistently produced as much as they claimed. The others misrepresented their
The experimenters
concluded on the basis of their observations and interviews with the workers
that the group was operating well below its capability in order to protect
itself. The workers feared that increasing their output could lead to a cut in
the incentive rate (the pay per bank) or an increase in their expected daily
output. Some believed that greater productivity could lead to layoffs,
especially of the slower workers. To avoid these consequences the group
established a productivity norm - not too low or too high - and then made sure
that their reports reflected this norm. The group developed rules of conduct:
do not be a rate buster (turn out too much work); do not be a chiseler (produce
too little); and do not turn in any of your fellow workers. Those who did not
adhere to these norms were ostracized, ridiculed or even, on occasion,
physically assaulted.
Partly because of
the Hawthorne experiments the development of group norms has become an
important area of research in social psychology. We now know that social
interactions almost always take place in the light of group norms. These norms
are consensual agreements about how to act in particular situations and may be
explicit (No Parking, No Smoking, No Talking) or they can be unspoken (wait for
everyone to be served before eating). The influence of social norms is
particularly noticeable when you visit another culture in which norms are
different. For example, in some societies it is considered a sign of politeness
to burp loudly after a good meal; this shows the host that you appreciate the
Of course we do not
and we cannot follow all of the norms established in a society. Instead we tend
to have reference groups with whom we identify. Sailors who identify with their reference group get themselves
tattooed; executives following their reference group's norm wear pinstriped
suits. Social reference groups
serve to guide their members' behavior while at the same time providing them
with a social identity. This sort of reference group identification is what
Mayo and his colleagues believed was going on at Hawthorne. Productivity, they believed, was governed not solely by
economic interests or by physical working conditions but by the social
relationships among workers and between workers and supervisors. Mayo believed
that when human relationships were taken into account, management and workers
could cooperate in their common interest.
The Hawthorne
research made Elton Mayo famous. He used the Hawthorne data as the basis for
three books on the problems of industrial civilization: The Human Problems of an Industrial Civilization, The Social Problems of an Industrial Civilization, and The Political Problems of an Industrial
Civilization. He received
honorary degrees including one from Harvard and was elected a Fellow of the
American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He retired from Harvard in 1947 and
moved with his family to England where he died in 1949.
Although Mayo's
fame was great, the Hawthorne experiments were not without their critics.
Almost from the beginning the research was the focus of intense controversy.
Most of this criticism was aimed at Mayo's interpretations. A common theme
among his critics was that Mayo underestimated the extent of the conflict
between workers and management. Mayo's belief that with the right sort of human
relations policy workers and management would work together toward common goals
was portrayed as naive. Critics, particularly those with Marxist views, saw the
conflict between workers and management as inextricably built into the
capitalist system. This conflict, they argued, cannot be eliminated simply by
cosmetic changes in supervisory style. Mayo was also accused of being
anti-union and pro-management and of treating workers as simple-minded people
who could be easily "taken in" by trivial changes in management
These criticisms
are not entirely unfounded. There were no unions at Hawthorne when the
experiments were conducted and Mayo did not believe any were necessary. He did
seem to identify with management and sometimes described worker behavior as
"irrational". Perhaps even more important than criticisms of Mayo's
interpretations were attacks on the Hawthorne experiments' methodology. It is
true that none of the experiments was tightly controlled. It is also true that
changes outside the plant (the Depression began and deepened while the studies
were in progress) could have affected the experiments' results.
Even more troubling
was Mayo's habit of playing down the weak points in his data. For example, in
the first Relay Assembly Test Room experiment Mayo reports that two of the
workers "dropped out" and had to be replaced. More extensive reports
of the experiment by Mayo's colleagues suggest that the two dropped workers
were not cooperating. If these workers were replaced by two more cooperative
ones, then it could be argued that the results of the experiment continued
productivity increases) were rigged by choosing workers whom the experimenters
knew would respond in the desired fashion. There is even some doubt about
Mayo's presentation of the results themselves. For example, in period 12 when
workers in the Relay Assembly Test Room had their working day revert from the
shorter hours back to the longer work week - hourly productivity actually fell.
Instead of interpreting this fall as a reaction to the lengthened work week,
Mayo chose to emphasize that weekly productivity continued to increase. What he
neglected to point out was that this increase was the result of working longer
days rather than a rise in hourly productivity.
Another example of
Mayo's tendency to ignore data pointing toward alternative explanations for his
findings is his treatment of the Bank Wiring Observation Room experiment. The
nine men working in the Bank Wiring Room were observed during a period of great
economic uncertainty. During the course of the experiment the men were put on
progressively shorter hours. After a few weeks their work week was actually
reduced to four days. Before they could adjust to this the hours were reduced
further and the men were working only alternating weeks. Finally, the whole
study had to be terminated because there was no work for the men to do. Surely
such cutbacks in work (not to mention wages) could have motivated the men to
try saving their jobs by restricting their output. Yet this possibility was
never seriously considered by Mayo.
The Hawthorne
experiments remain controversial; critiques and defenses still appear in the
psychology literature more than 50 years after the experiments were conducted.
Although many textbooks describe the Hawthorne experiments as unqualified proof
that human relations are more potent influences on productivity than economic
incentives or physical working conditions, most careful readers agree that Mayo
and his colleagues exaggerated their findings and ignored contradictory data.
Although their precise interpretation will probably always remain in doubt, the
original illumination experiments and the subsequent Hawthorne experiments do
make one very important point. Observing people in social psychology
experiments can change the way they behave. This phenomenon is so closely
associated with the Hawthorne experiments that it is today universally known as
the Hawthorne Effect.
Landsberger, H. A., Hawthorne Revisited,
Cornell University Press, Ithaca, New York, 1958.
Mayo, E., The Human Problems of an
Industrial Civilization (second edition), Macmillan, New York, 1946.
Roethlisberger, F. J., Dickson, V. J. and
Wright, H. A., Management and the
Worker, Harvard University Press,
Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1950.
Questions for the "Hawthorne
Effect" reading
1. Name
the researcher(s) that conducted the study.
2. Name
any prior studies and researchers that were related to this study or led to
this study.
3. What
were some of the research problems that occurred during the Hawthorne Works
4. Name
the variables (IV and DV) in the Hawthorne Works study.
5. What
is the Hawthorne Effect?
6. Define
social facilitation.
7. How
does the Hawthorne
study exemplify social facilitation?
8. What
caused individuals to avoid increasing their production even though they would
have gained extra incentives?
9. What
new field of Psychology changed and expanded due to the Hawthorne Works study?
Friday, April 17, 2015
4/17--Mod 77--Prejudice
Mod 76 Quiz
Mod 77---Dr. Wynn's research on babies and prejudice.
Homework over the weekend.
Read all of Mod 77. P. 788 of the text---do MC Questions #1-5. Do the practice FRQ's #1 & 2.
Due at the beginning of class on Monday.
Mod 77---Dr. Wynn's research on babies and prejudice.
Homework over the weekend.
Read all of Mod 77. P. 788 of the text---do MC Questions #1-5. Do the practice FRQ's #1 & 2.
Due at the beginning of class on Monday.
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
4/14 Social Psychology Mod 75
Inside Out Video
Mod 75 Questions
Identify the following:
Automatic mimicry
chameleon effect
mood linkage
normative social influence
informational social influence
Explain the Asch conformity experiments.
What factors lead to high levels of conformity?
Explain the Milgram experiment.
What factors led to obedience being the highest?
What lessons came from the obedience studies?
4/13 Intro to Social Psychology
Intro to Social Psychology:
Fundamental Attribution Error
Foot-In the Door Phenomenon
Role Playing
Cognitive Dissonance
Fundamental Attribution Error
Foot-In the Door Phenomenon
Role Playing
Cognitive Dissonance
Thursday, April 9, 2015
4/10 Disorders and Treatment EXAM
Disorders and Treatment EXAM
There will be 40 Multiple Choice and 2 FRQ's from the unit---Disorders and Treatment.
Focus on the following:
a. Normal vs. Abnormal from a psychological perspective
b. Most treated disorders---Anxiety (know all types), Mood (know about poles and slight disorders...dysthymia, and Schizophrenia (positive and negative symptoms)
c. Other disorders---Personality, Somatoform, Dissociative, Eating Disorders.
d. Treatments---Perspective and types of treatment
FRQ from the EXAM
There will be 40 Multiple Choice and 2 FRQ's from the unit---Disorders and Treatment.
Focus on the following:
a. Normal vs. Abnormal from a psychological perspective
b. Most treated disorders---Anxiety (know all types), Mood (know about poles and slight disorders...dysthymia, and Schizophrenia (positive and negative symptoms)
c. Other disorders---Personality, Somatoform, Dissociative, Eating Disorders.
d. Treatments---Perspective and types of treatment
FRQ from the EXAM
a. Descre Describe the main criteria
psychologists and psychiatrists use to define “psychological disorders,” and
give an example of a symptom of each of the following psychological disorders
that might meet that criteria.
• social anxiety disorder
• bipolar disorder
• schizophrenia
• conversion disorder
• antisocial personality disorder
Sunday, April 5, 2015
4/3 Disorders Quiz
Disorders Quiz
Intro to Mod 70 and Treatment
Homework over the Weekend
Read Mod 70
Enjoy Time with your Family and Enjoy Easter
Intro to Mod 70 and Treatment
Homework over the Weekend
Read Mod 70
Enjoy Time with your Family and Enjoy Easter
4/2 Other Disorders Mod 69
Personality Disorders
Somatoform Disorders
Dissociative Disorders
Eating Disorders
Somatoform Disorders
Dissociative Disorders
Eating Disorders
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