Monday, September 28, 2015

9/28 Module 5

Go over Trading Cards

Module 5 Terms ---Ready for Tuesday 9/29

Operational Definition
Case Study
Naturalistic Observation
Population Biases---       
a.      Random sampling

b.      Unbiased populations

9/25 Intro to Unit 2

Go over Exam
Intro to Unit 2
Trading Cards Assigned.  Unit 1 Trading Card is due on Monday 9/28

History of Psychology Trading Cards
Below is a list of famous historical figures in the field of psychology.  Your job will be to create a trading card for an individual.  Presentations will be a part of the review for the Unit Exam. 

Each trading card must include, but not limited to the following items:
               à a picture of the individual
               à birth/death date (if applicable)
               à Occupation
               à contribution to the history of psychology
               à any books or articles they completed –Only list the top 3 for multiple writings
               à historical impact
               à an interesting fact that most people would not know about this individual

Your cards should be informative and they should look like blown up  actual trading cards:
Grading criteria will include neatness, creativity and presentation of your card and individual in an informal presentation to the class.
Topps San Francisco 49ers Jerry Rice 1986 Rookie Trading Card
These websites may be useful in finding information on your respective psychologists.  You may also try a google search.                                                                                                

Unit I: History & Origins

*Mary Whiton Calkins                                   *  Jean Piaget                          *Charles Darwin        
*  Carl Rogers                                                 *Dorothea Dix                                    *  B.F. Skinner
*Sigmund Freud                                             *  Margaret Floy Washburn   *G. Stanley Hall                            *  John B. Watson                                          *Williams James              *  Wilhelm Wundt
*Ivan Pavlov                                                   *  David Buss                         *Francis Galton                                  * James McKeen Cattell                                *Edward Titchener                 * Ahmed ibn Sahl Al-Balkhi
* Ibn al-Haytham ( Alhazen)                         *René Descartes                     * John Locke                                         * Soren Kierkegaard                                       * Franz Mesmer            *Franz Joseph Gall
* Frank Angell                                                * Carl Stumpf                         * Rosalie Rayner                                   * Carl Jung                                                     *Margaret Kemeny

Unit II: Research

* Amos Teversky                               * Baruch Fischhoff                             * Philip Tetlock                         * Daniel Kahneman                            * Gordon Allport                                    * Jane Goodall                                                * Matthias R. Mehl                                     * James W. Pennebaker                     * Roger Bacon                                                * Henry Beecher                                 * Roger N. Shepard                            * Jean Jacques Rousseau
* Kenneth Clark and Mamie Phipps Clark    * Harry Harlow                                   *Jeffrey M. Schwartz

Unit III: Learning and Cognition

*Albert Bandura                           *  Noam Chomsky                  *John Locke  
*John Garcia                                 *  Hermann Ebbinghaus         *Lev Vygotsky
*Robert Rescoria                          *  Wolfgang Kohler                *John Dewey
*Edward Thorndike                      *  Elizabeth Loftus                 *  Eric Kandel
*Edward Tolman                          *  George A. Miller                *Rosalie Rayner                             
*  Roger Sperry                            *Michael Gazzaniga               * Richard Atkinson
* Robert A. Bjork                         *Joyce Bishop                        *Gilles Laurent
*Henry L. Roediger                      *Jenny Singleton                    *Richard Shiffrin

Unit IV: Development/Language

*Mary Ainsworth                         *  Harry Harlow                                  *Paul Broca
*Diana Baumrind                         *  Lawrence Kohlberg                                    *  Carl Wernicke
*Erik Erikson                               *  Konrad Lorenz                                * Jean Piaget
*Carol Gilligan                             *  Lev Vygotsky                                 *Karen Wynn
* James Birren                             *Herbert H. Clark                               *Susan Curtiss
*Alice Eagly                                 *Jerome Kagan                                   *Robert Plomin
*Ronald E. Riggio                                    *Nancy L. Segal                                 *John Searle
*Daniel J. Siegel                          *David Siegel                                     *Laurence Steinberg

Unit V: Motivation, Emotion& Stress

*Alferd Kinsey                             *  Carl Lange                                      * Robert Yerkes & D. Dodson
*Abraham Maslow                       *  Walter Cannon & Philip Bard        * Ancel Keys
*Stanley Schachter                       *  Clark Hull                                       * Kipling D. Williams
*Hans Selve                                  * William Bennett & Joel Gurin        *Sheldon Cohen
*Paul Ekman                                *Linda Gigliotti                                  *Travis Gibbs
*Janet Shibley Hyde                     *Hazel Rose Markus                          *Peter Salovey
*Michael Strober

Unit VI: States of Consciousness

*Ernest Hilgard                            *Edward B. Titchener                        * Martin Seligman
* Druckman and Bjork                 * John Ridley Stroop                          * Jerry Siegel
* Mary Carskadon                                    * James Maas & Rebecca Robbins    * William Dement
* Colin Sullivan                           * Stephen LaBerge                             * G. William Domhoff
* Albert Hofmann                        * Sonia Ancoli-Israel                         * Susan Blackmore
*J. Allan Hobson                          *Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi           

Unit VII: Neuroscience and Behavior
            * Gregor Mendel                                * Jonathon Evans                                * Marvin Minsky
            * Michael Gazzaniga                          * Philip Vogel & Joseph Bogen         * Roger Sperry
            * Ronald Myers                                  * John Martyn Harlow                       * José Delgado
            * Gustav Fritsch & Eduard Hitzig     * Otrid Foerster & Wilder Penfield            *Derek Denton
            *Susan Greenfield                              *Nadine Kaslow                                 *Christof Koch
            *Robert W. Levenson                         *Susan H. McDaniel                          *James L. McGaugh
*Tom O’Connor                                 *Paul Pearsall                                     *Diego Pizzagalli
*Michael Rugg                                   *Terrence J. Sejnowski                      *Jerome M. Siegel
*Elaine F. Walker

Unit VIII: Sensation & Perception

*Gustav Fechner                           *  Ernst Weber                                                * E.J. Gibson
*David Hubel                               *  Torsten Wiesel                                           * Richard Gregory
* George Miller                            * Daniel Simons & Christopher Chabris      *Ewald Hering
* R.S. Lazarus & R.A. McCleary * Hermann von Helmholtz                             * Thomas Young
* Thomas Albright                       *Michael Merzenich                                *Daniel J. Simons
*Anne Treisman

Unit IX: Testing & Personality

*Alfred Adler                                           *  Gordon Allport                             *Paul Costa & Robert McCrae  
*Hermann Rorschach                               *Carl Jung                                    *Alfred Binet 
*  Robert Sternberg                                  *Francis Galton                                  *  Louis Terman
*Howard Gardner                                     *  David Wechsler                              *  Charles Spearman
* Angela Lee Duckworth                         *Edward Diener                                  *Neil Clark Warren

Unit X: Disorders & Treatment
*Aaron Beck                                             *  Mary Cover Jones                          * Philippe Pinel
*Albert Ellis                                             *  Joseph Wolpe                                 * David Rosenhan
* Lee Robins & Darrel Reiger                 *Sigmund Freud                                 * Richard Tedeschi
* Samuel H. Barondes                              *Stephen P. Hinshaw                          *Kay Redfield Jamison
*James F. Masterson                                *James P. McGee                         *Susan Mineka
*Ginger Osborne                                      *Michael Otto                                    *Tom Pyszczynski
*Daniel S. Weiss
Unit XI: Social Psychology
*Soloman Asch                                        *  Stanley Milgram                      *James J. Blascovich
*Leon Festinger                                       * Philip Zimbardo                              *John A. Bargh
*Mahzarin R. Banaji                                *John Cacioppo                            *Colin Camerer
*Peter Ditto                                              *Susan Fiske                                 *Daniel Gilbert
*Angela B. Ginorio                                  *Janet E. Helms                            *James M. Jones
*Dacher Keltner                                       *Shinobu Kitayama                      *David G. Myers

*Claude Mason Steele

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

9/23 Unit I EXAM

Take the Unit I Exam

Pick up the Handout on the Trading Cards

Homework for Friday

Reasons for the Need for Psychological Research
Define the Hindsight Bias p.31
What are some famously quoted Yogi Berra --malapropisms? p. 31
Psych Science has overturned many popular ideas--Name 3. p. 32
How does Overconfidence cloud our judgments about the need for psychological research?p. 32-33
How does perceiving order in random events lead to superstitions?p.33-34
What is the point to remember about how scientific inquiry can help us sift reality from illusion?p.34
What two questions are needed for a curious skepticism? p. 35
Why is humility necessary to scientific discovery? p. 35
What 5 things does critical thinking entail? p. 35

9/21 Professions and Review

Professions---Module 3
Review for Exam

9/18 Joe File on Modern Approaches

Joe File in Class on the Modern Approaches

Handout on Professions in Psychology

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

9/16 Approaches to Psychology

Inside Out--Go to the experts for the story of Psychology.

Modern Approaches Handout.

Homework--Due on Friday 9/18

AP Psychology—9/16-18

Read Module 2
Copy in your notes the p. 11 diagram about the 3 main levels of analysis
Explain what the main modern approaches are from p. 12
Using p. 14 and 15 describe the difference between basic and applied research and the major subfields under each.
Finally---Read p. 16 and 17 to understand how to improve your own retention and learning.

9/14 Module 1 Review

Review the beginnings of Psychology.

Collect the Syllabus.

FRQ practice on Module 1.

Friday, September 11, 2015

9/9-11----Welcome to AP Psychology!!!!

Intro--What is Psychology?

Welcome to AP Psychology.
Housekeeping---Syllabus, Rules and Regs, Classroom Configuration

Syllabus is Due on 9/14--Monday.
Assignment #1--Due on 9/14:
Copy the screen picture of the Online text and send to
Read Module 1 on the Online Text.  Answer the following questions and attach them to your original email to Mr. Charles---

Describe the major contributions to the early history of psychology of the following individuals:
G. Stanley Hall

Finally--in a short answer in your own words, define psychology.