Thursday, March 17, 2016

3/16 Anxiety and Intro to Mood Disorders

Anxiety Disorders Broken Down

Group Discussion on labeling different anxiety disorders

Assign Unit 10 Trading Card (If Absent just pick one and be ready to present on 3/28)

Extra Credit for Semester 2 Opportunities:
Extra Credit Project:

* Research a person, place or thing that is important to the study of Psychology. After researching, for 25 pts. you may do one of the following:

A. Write a 5 page paper explaining what this topic is about. Explain why knowledge of this topic is important to the study of psychology.

B. Write a 2 page paper and do Do a 15 slide PPT. 

A bibliography is necessary to validate your research. (2 Sources Minimum--using APA format)
Aformal presentation to the class on the date which we return 

For 15 pts. you may do one of the following:

1. Watch a psychology movie or documentary about a topic relevant to psych (do not use a movie from the class) and write up a review (1-2 pages typed).  APA Format.
2. Read an article from a newspaper or periodical that is significant and write up a summary (with article attached)---1 to 2 pages typed. APA Format


3/14 Anxiety

3/11 Intro to Unit 10

Normal and Abnormal

Disorders---Classification System

3/9 Unit 9 EXAM

Monday, March 7, 2016

3/7 Intelligence and Review

Unit 9 Study Guide
Explain the Freudian Construct: (Id/Ego/Superego….Free Association, Psychosexual Development, Unconscious Mind, Defense Mechanisms)
Neo Freudians (Adler/Jung/Horney) and how they differ from Freud
Projective Tests of Personality---TAT/Rorschach Tests

Humanistic Personality—Maslow and Rogers
Trait Theories (Gordon Allport, Factor Analysis, Locus of Control)
Trait/Objective Tests of Personality---MMPI, MBTI, etc…
Social Cognitive Theory (Bandura)--- Reciprocal Determinism
The Self
The Big Five
Self-serving Bias, , The spotlight Effect, The false Consensus Effect

Sternberg/Gardner/Spearman and Thurstone and Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence
Achievement vs. Aptitude Tests
The Flynn Effect
Reliability/Validity (content and predictive validity)
Crystallized Intelligence vs. Fluid Intelligence

3/2 Intelligence

Research Due from the Internet

Strive for 5 Work....

2/29 Review of Personality

Review of Personality

Inside Out on Intelligence