Tuesday, October 18, 2016

10/20 Edible Neuron

Create the Edible Neuron

Groups need to come in with the supplies---Paper Plates, Peach Rings, Toothpicks, Twizzler Pull Aparts, Jolly Ranchers, Fruit Roll Ups, Gummy Worms......

We will build the Edible neurons.---After construction and labeling, the students will send a picture to my email....

Neuronal Firing and Toilet Assignment.
Explain the following from flushing a toilet at home:

Explain the resting potential.
What is the action potential?
Explain the All or  None response.
Explain the Refractory Period from the flushed toilet.

What is the reuptake?

Module 10 Questions
Explain the Effects of the Sympathetic and the Parasympathetic Nervous System on the Pupil of the Eye, Heart, Stomach, Liver, Gallbladder, Adrenal Glands, Bladder and Sex Organs.....

Explain the 3 types of neurons and how they would operate if your hand was on an open flame.

Explain the Functionality of the Endocrine System---

Structure and Function of the following:  Hypothalamus, Ovaries, Adrenal Glands, Pituitary, Thyroid, Parathyroid, Testis, Pancreas......

10/18 Module 9

Read Module #9 p. 76-84

Define the following terms:
biological psychology myelin sheath action potential
neuron refractory period threshold
dendrites all-or-none response synapse
axon neurotransmitters reuptake
endorphins agonist antagonist

Answer the following:
Why are psychologists concerned with human biology?
What are the parts of a neuron, and how are neural impulses generated?
How do nerve cells communicate with other nerve cells

10/11 Unit 1 EXAM

10/10 Intelligence Testing and G Factor

Review Module 60-63.

Review for Unit 1 Exam.

Last Day for Late Work--6 weeks.
Phantastic Psychologists Unit 1 Due

Monday, October 10, 2016

10/6 Mod 60-63 Reading

Mod 60-63
Testing and Individual Differences.

Reading Assignment

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

10/4 Research Quiz

Ethical Considerations
Davidson Experiment

Research Quiz
Timed for Multiple Choice and a chance for Test Corrections.
Timed FRQ and Corrections.

Mod 61:
1. How did Galton and Darwin influence intelligence testing?
2. How and why did Binet influence intelligence?
3. What did Terman give in this area?
Define the following:
4. aptitude tests
5. achievement tests
7. standardization
8. normal curve
9. reliability
10. validity
11. content validity
12. predictive validity

Monday, October 3, 2016

10/3 Statistics

Living Continuum

Descriptive Statistics
Measures of Central Tendency--3M's
Measures of Variance--Range/Standard Deviation/Normal Curve

Measures of Inference (Inferential Statistics)
Are my results not due to chance?  Measures to test p level to less than 5%---In other words, 95% sure that results were not due to chance.

For Homework---Research the APA guidelines for Ethics in Experimentation.

9/29 Correlation or Experiment

Naturalistic Observation Project Due

Correlation or Experiment Wkst.--Do in INB. (Interactice Notebook)

Inside/Out on Research

9/27 Mod 5/6 Research and the Simple Experiment

IV/DV Worksheet Due

Mod 5 and 6 on Research

9/26 Types of Research

Types of Research

Assign IV/DV Wkst.

9/22 Mod 4--The Need for Psychological Science

Questions on the Need for Psychological Science

Hindsight Bias
Perceiving Order in Random Events (Superstitions)

Skeptical Mind
Scientific Method

Types of Research---Naturalistic Observation Assignment