Thursday, March 19, 2015

3/18 Mood Disorders + Homework/XC over Break

Mood Disorders

Homework during break on Mod 67:

1.  What are the six facts about depression?
2. Discuss research findings on the role of neurotransmitters in depression and mania.
3. What are cognitive characteristics of a person impacted by major depressive disorder?
4. Define rumination.  In what ways do negative thoughts and negative moods interact?
5. Assume you recently failed a big test, missed a big score in the game, or your sweetheart broke up with you.  Create an explanation for your situation within each of the three contexts:
a. stable or temporary
b. global or specific
c. internal or external
6. Explain how depression is thought to be a vicious cycle.


If you want to earn some extra credit---research a relevant topic to the class.  Explain the research in the area, what the current theories are, and how it is important to the study of psychology.  Explanations can be a slide presentation, paper or speech.
Cite all sources.

Monday, March 16, 2015

3/17 Mood Disorders--Mod 67

Inside Out--Mood Disorders

Intro Mod 67

3/16 Anxiety Disorders--Mod 66

Come up with a definition and an example of each of the following anxiety disorders:

Panic Disorder
Phobias--Focus on Social Anxiety Disorder and Agoraphobia

Explain the effects of each on anxiety:

Classical and Operant Conditioning
Observational Learning
Evolution—natural selection
Genes—genetic makeup.  
Explain the studies on serotonin and glutamate
Explain the role of the anterior cingulate cortex on anxiety like OCD

PSYCH 1 – Anxiety Disorders
Instructions: Below are 4 case studies of different persons suffering from different forms of mental disorders. Your task is to state or describe what disorder you think each person is suffering from based on the case study.
Case Study 1
Zelda is extremely concerned with cleanliness. In fact, before she retires at night, she goes through a cleaning ritual of her clothes and body that sometimes lasts for up to 2 hours. If she misses a step in the ritual or performs part of it imperfectly, she starts the ritual all over again.
Case Study 2
Alex periodically suffers from extremely high levels of anxiety but he cannot pinpoint the source or otherwise say why he is so anxious. He is terrified at times, his heart often races, he feels wobbly, and has difficulty concentrating.
Case Study 3
Terry complains that he is experiencing recurrent episodes of lightheadedness, rapid breathing, and dizziness, especially as he attempts to leave his house. The symptoms have become so severe that, in fact, he is leaving his house less and less frequently. He now only goes the grocery store in the company of his sister. Once in the store, he checks immediately for the exits and windows.
Case Study 4
Bob complains that he is experiencing high levels of anxiety based on his experiences in the War.  He thought it was localized to just experiencing loud noises or the sound of aircraft overhead (primarily helicopters), but also recently broke down while walking past the child care room at his local department store where he could hear children shrieking and crying.  Bob is fearful of being around these type of places and has just added the department store to his list of places that he won’t go to.

3/13 Skits--Intro to Mod 66

Identifying normal or abnormal behavior.  
Intro to Mod 66---Inside Out through anxiety disorders

3/12 Inside Out---Normal vs. Abnormal

3/10-11 Mod 65--Strive for 5

Strive for 5 questions
1. What is clinically significant about : disturbance. cognition. emotion regulation. behavior.
2. What is required for something to be diagnosed as a disorder?
3. How has our understanding of psychological disorders changed over time?
1. List 3 arguments or research findings that support the existence of ADHD as a legitimate diagnosis.
2. List 3 arguments skeptics use to refute the legitimacy of an ADHD diagnosis.
3. What key component needs to be present to differentiate ADHD from normal high energy?
1. Define the medical model
2. Define the biopsychosocial model.
1. How does DSM-5 help clinicians with diagnoses of disorders?
2. List 3 diagnostic changes with the new DSM.
3. How might you about these changes if your child was formerly diagnosed with Asperger's?
4. Why is the DSM often criticized by "casting too wide a net"?
5. Discuss why proper diagnoses is so important to mental health.
1. What does David Rosenhan mean by saying a label has "a life and an influence of its own".
2. Discuss the research findings on the stigmatizing power of labels.
3. What role do Hollywood movies play in further stigmatizing mental disorders?
4. In what ways can labels be beneficial?
5. Discuss the uses and misuses of the insanity plea.
1. Which country has the greatest prevalence of disorders and which has the most reported disorders?
2. How does research on collectivist and individualist apply to this information?
3. Explain the poverty-pathology link that is similar to the chicken-egg question.
4. Use table 65.2 to select 2 risk factors and 2 protective factors for mental disorders and discuss how these can accelerate or protect against the development of mental illness.

3/9 Normal or Abnormal

Intro to Disorders:

Go over EXAM.  Turn in---Peer Review of FRQ's

Thursday, March 5, 2015

3/5 Personality, Intelligence and Testing EXAM

Personality, Intelligence and Testing EXAM

I forgot to load the FRQ's ahead of time---so it works in the student favor.

You may write the FRQ's over the long weekend, and be ready for a Peer Review of your writing beginning first thing in class on Monday.

Here are the 2 FRQ's from the Unit:

                  1.  Researchers debate the definition of intelligence: does “intelligence” refer to
                        one overall intellectual ability, or “multiple intelligences,” a set of capabilities
                       people use to solve problems?

          A. Briefly discuss how the intelligence theories listed below apply to your school experiences
                 •       Spearman’s general intelligence
                 •       Gardner’s multiple intelligences
                   •       Sternberg’s triarchic theory

B. Use the terms below to develop an argument that supports one of the theories you described above.
    •       factor analysis
    •       savant syndrome
    •       validity

2.       You are talking quietly with some friends at a restaurant when all of a sudden a new student at your school, Dave, sits down at your table. Dave immediately starts to tell a loud, funny story to everyone at the table while he gobbles French fries from your plate. Use the following theories to explain or describe aspects of Dave's behavior:
• Reaction formation
• Trait theory
• Maslow's hierarchy of needs
• Reciprocal determinism
• Operant conditioning
• Drive-reduction theory
• Incentive theory

3/4 Intelligence and Bias

Lecture over Issues with Intelligence

Go over the Portfolios--due on Thursday 3/5.

Monday, March 2, 2015

3/3 Personality and Intelligence Profile

Personality/Intelligence Portfolio

For Unit 9 personality (Mod. 55-59) and Intelligence (Mod 61-64), you will be required to compile and submit a personality/intelligence portfolio. The portfolio will reflect your accumulated knowledge of your own personality, identification of the theories of personality, and an analysis of the various personality indicators. Additionally, it will demonstrate knowledge of intelligence measures and theories and include test results from various IQ tests. This portfolio will be judged primarily on your application of textual information to your own personality.

1. Begin by drawing up a list of 20 to 30 adjectives that you believe describe yourself. You may include this list in any form in your portfolio (e.g., typed list, cutouts from magazines, drawing). Using that list, elaborate on each adjective in a 2-4 page paper that describes your personality. Be sure to include descriptive phrases, examples, and various other details.  (Should have been completed last week)

2. During class we will spend about 20 minutes in the computer lab taking an online version of the Keirsey Temperament Sorter-II to get a baseline personality projection with which to make future comparisons. You will collect your results and file them in your portfolio with the other materials you are collecting.

3. After you have finished the Keirsey test,  revisit your initial personality profile and evaluate your personality through the test results and the eyes of the major personality theorists discussed in the textbook and in class in at least one paragraph.

4. Next we will take a short version of IQ and multiple intelligence tests.  If you wish, you may include copies of any other standardized testing results you have received (e.g., PSAT/NMSQT, SAT®)

5. Prepare an analysis of the validity of the various intelligence theories and your own test scores.  Does this truly reflect you and which of the intelligence theories that you looked at in class do you most agree with?

This Personality/Intelligence Portfolio is due on 3/5 with either a hard copy or sent to me via email.  If you use google docs, make sure that I can access your portfolio...

3/2 Mod 61--Intelligence Testing

Finish Inside Out

Mod 61:
1.  How did Galton and Darwin influence intelligence testing?
2.  How and why did Binet influence intelligence?
3.  What did Terman give in this area?
Define the following:
4.  aptitude tests
5.  achievement tests
6.  WAIS
7.  standardization
8.  normal curve
9.  reliability
10.                   validity
11.                   content validity

12.                   predictive validity

2/27 Intelligence--Mod 60

Mod 60 Lecture and Cornell Notes

Inside Out