Thursday, March 19, 2015

3/18 Mood Disorders + Homework/XC over Break

Mood Disorders

Homework during break on Mod 67:

1.  What are the six facts about depression?
2. Discuss research findings on the role of neurotransmitters in depression and mania.
3. What are cognitive characteristics of a person impacted by major depressive disorder?
4. Define rumination.  In what ways do negative thoughts and negative moods interact?
5. Assume you recently failed a big test, missed a big score in the game, or your sweetheart broke up with you.  Create an explanation for your situation within each of the three contexts:
a. stable or temporary
b. global or specific
c. internal or external
6. Explain how depression is thought to be a vicious cycle.


If you want to earn some extra credit---research a relevant topic to the class.  Explain the research in the area, what the current theories are, and how it is important to the study of psychology.  Explanations can be a slide presentation, paper or speech.
Cite all sources.

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