Friday, December 11, 2015

12/11 Stress

Mod 43:
     1.  Use an example from your own life to explain the difference between a stressor, a stress reaction, and stress.
      2.  Explain how stressors can have positive effects.  Use 2 examples from your own life.
    3.  Discuss the negative effects of stress.  What negative effects have you felt?
4.  Describe three types of stressors.
              5.  Explain the GAS.  Draw the illustration of the Phases in your notes from p. 445.
6.  What are common reactions to extended stress?
7.  Explain the tend and befriend response to stress.
Mod 44
8.  Draw the Chart from p. 449.
                 9.  What is the relationship between stress and heart disease?
                          10.                Explain the personality characteristics and impact on health of someone who is :

a.  Type A                 b. Type B

Thursday, December 10, 2015

12/9 Emotion and Expressive Behaviors

Lottery Pick for Unit 5 Trading Cards ---DUE ON MONDAY 12/14

Reading Quiz and FRQ practice on Unit 5

With a partner do the following and answer the following questions from Mod 42:

1. Write out as many emotions that you can.
2. Pick out the top 4 and then simulate each one and see if your partner can pick them out.
Now answer the following:
3. What is the Facial Feedback Effect?
4. How does our walk effect our emotions?
5. What area of psychology is using this information to help the overall community?
Ontogeny: the development or course of development especially of an individual organism

Phylogeny: the evolutionary history of a kind of organism

Inside Out on Emotion:

For Homework---Read Mod. 43 and 44:

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

12/7 Motivation Review + Intro to Emotion

Read Mod 41 looking for the following:

Mod 41:  Be able to answer these questions:
What are the 3 components of emotions?
What do researchers disagree about when it comes to the study of emotion?
Explain the 5 main theories of emotion.
Explain the difference between the sympathetic portion of your Autonomic Nervous System and the parasympathetic portion.  How do both of these function in a crisis?
What are 5 areas of the body that respond in our ANS in times of a crisis?

Friday, December 4, 2015

12/4 Areas of Research in Motivation

1) Reading Quiz Module 38-40

2) Group Work/Presentations on :
4 Theories of Motivation
Physiological and Psychological Issues in Hunger and Satiety
Physiological and Psychological Issues in Sexual Motivations
Physiological and Psychological Issues in Affiliation Needs

3) Experts Video

Have a Great Weekend.  Begin Reading about Emotion and Mod 41

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

12/2 Motivation

Reading Quiz Module 37

Test Corrections on Unit 4

Intro to Motivation:
4 main theories of motivation must be understood:

Instinct and Evolutionary Psychology Theory
Drive Reduction Theory
Optimal Arousal/Curiosity Theory
Hierarchy of Needs Theory

Read Modules 38-40 on the motivation of physiological needs and social needs.  Reading Quiz on Friday.

Mod. 38

How does semi-starvation reinforce the heirarchy of motives?
P. 397--What did Washburn and Cannon discover?
p. 398-99---List and define the 5 appetite hormones.
What is our set point? Can it slowly be changed?
Describe our basic metabolic rate.
How does cognition influence our eating patterns?--cite the example from the tricksters p. 399
Explain why hot cultures like hot spices.
What are 3 situational influences on our eating---p. 400-401.
How do genetics play in our body weight? p. 402

Mod 39
What are the 4 phases of the sexual response cycle, as summarized by Masters and Johnson in the 1960s?
What are 3 sexual dysfunctions?
What is paraphilias?  How does the APA decide if this behavior is disordered?
What are estrogen and testosterone?  Define each.
Copy the flow chart of 39.1 (p. 409) on sexual motivation.

Mod 40
What are the 3 psychological needs that build self-esteem?
Explain the study where love is a painkiller.
Discuss the NORCO study of happiness and people who are alone.
What about children?  Explain 2 attachment problems:
Insecure anxious attachment and Insecure advoidant attachment.
From p. 415, explain the effects of ostracism on healthy students in the study.
Explain the 4 questions from social media----p. 416-418
p. 297-98--Explain Intrinsic and Extrinsic motivation

11/30 Unit 4 EXAM

Unit 4 EXAM

Read Module 37 as an introduction to Unit 5