Friday, February 12, 2016

2/3 Sensation of Vision

Mod 16 Review:
AP Psych---Module 16 Review:

1. What occurs when experiences influence our interpretation of data?
a.   Selective attention
b.   Transduction
c.    Bottom-up processing
d.   Top-down processing
e.   Signal detection theory

What principle states that to be perceived as different, two stimuli must differ by a minimum percentage rather than a constant amount?
a.   Absolute threshold
b.   Different threshold
c.    Signal detection theory
d.   Priming
e.   Weber’s law

What do we call the conversion of stimulus energies, like sights and sounds, into neural impulses?
a.   Transduction
b.   Perception
c.    Priming
d.   Signal detection theory
e.   Threshold
Natalia is washing her hands and adjusts the faucet handle until the water feels just slightly hotter than it did before. Natalia’s adjustment until she feels a difference is an example of
a.   a subliminal stimulus.
b.   an absolute threshold.
c.    a difference threshold.
d.   signal detection.
e.   Weber’s law.

Tyshane went swimming with friends who did not want to get into the pool because the water felt cold. Tyshane jumped in and after a few minutes declared, “It was cold when I first got in, but now my body is used to it. Come on in!” Tyshane’s body became accustomed to the water due to
a.   perceptual set.
b.   absolute threshold.
c.    difference threshold.
d.   selective attention.
e.   sensory adaptation.

Marisol is planning a ski trip for Spring Break.  Define absolute threshold and difference threshold, and explain how each one might play a role in her perception of the winter weather she will experience.

Mod 17 and 18

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