Monday, November 2, 2015

11/2 Memory Review

Mod 31 Vocab Quiz

  1. Rhymes, mental pictures, and associations that are used to help remember something are called______.
a. relearning b. recall c. reconstructive processes            d. mnemonics

  1. Being better able to remember NCAA, and FBI rather than XNC, AAF, and BIX is an example of ___.
a. iconic memory                      b. hierarchies                     c. chunking                         d. explicit memories

a. shallow processing               b. deep processing            c. Spacing Effect                d. automatic processing    e. effortful processing
ab. working memory ac. sensory memory          ad. long-term memory      ae. iconic memory        bc. echoic memory

  1. The immediate, very brief recording of information in the memory system that comes from our senses.
  2. A momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli; words can still be recalled within 3 or 4 seconds
  3. The process of implicit memory production, that includes such things as space, time and frequency.
  4. This type of processing encodes semantically and lets us know the full meaning of words.
  5. This type of processing encodes at the basic level; such as the words sounds or letters.
  6. This goes along with distributed practice to illustrate the best way to try to learn something new.
  7. Sperling did an experiment to show that this type of memory allows for stimuli to be retained for a very short time (a few tenths of a second), even if we can’t see it anymore.
  8.  If information passes from working memory to this stage, it can be retrieved for long durations, up to our total lifetime.
  9. The Atkinson-Shiffrin model was based on trying to form declarative memories; that is encoding that requires attention and conscious effort.
  10. Short-term memory is also called this to underscore the process of uploading and downloading information that is necessary for us to be efficient.

  1. Explain the 3 things that are automatically processed by our memory.
  2. Explain what the 3 processes of memory entail.
  3. Summarize why using personal analogies and making something personal improves memory.

Five in Five for Module 32
Explain what a cheap memory enhancer is for all people.

What are flashbulb memories and describe one from your life.

What are the 3 r's of memory?

Explain the issue of state and context dependent memory.

How do retrieval cues and priming help us to remember?

Module 33 Things to Know:

anterograde amnesia
retrograde amnesia
Herman Ebbinghaus--The forgetting curve
Interference--proactive and retroactive
positive transfer
misinformation effect
source amnesia (source misattribution)
deja vu
What are the 7 ways from p. 353 to improve your memory?

Exam on Wednesday

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