Thursday, September 28, 2017

9/28 Research

1. Collect Drunk Driving and Marriage Studies Wkst.
2. 15pt. Quiz on Mod 4-8.
3. Correlational Wkst.

4. Group Project---
In groups explain a study that you would come up with and what the hypothesis would be.

In your group explain an experiment that you would do and define the hypothesis, the Independent Variable and Dependent Variable and what your method would be.

9/7 Origins of Psychology

9/7-18 History and Origins of Psychology.  Mod 1-3
Origins Quiz 9/18
Syllabus Due 9/14

9/19-20-28  Research Methodolgy

Exp. Wkst. and IV/DV Wkst. Due on 9/25

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

9/6 Intro to AP Psych.

Welcome to AP Psych.  You will need a Notebook and a Section of your 3-ring Binder just for this class.