Monday, March 2, 2015

3/3 Personality and Intelligence Profile

Personality/Intelligence Portfolio

For Unit 9 personality (Mod. 55-59) and Intelligence (Mod 61-64), you will be required to compile and submit a personality/intelligence portfolio. The portfolio will reflect your accumulated knowledge of your own personality, identification of the theories of personality, and an analysis of the various personality indicators. Additionally, it will demonstrate knowledge of intelligence measures and theories and include test results from various IQ tests. This portfolio will be judged primarily on your application of textual information to your own personality.

1. Begin by drawing up a list of 20 to 30 adjectives that you believe describe yourself. You may include this list in any form in your portfolio (e.g., typed list, cutouts from magazines, drawing). Using that list, elaborate on each adjective in a 2-4 page paper that describes your personality. Be sure to include descriptive phrases, examples, and various other details.  (Should have been completed last week)

2. During class we will spend about 20 minutes in the computer lab taking an online version of the Keirsey Temperament Sorter-II to get a baseline personality projection with which to make future comparisons. You will collect your results and file them in your portfolio with the other materials you are collecting.

3. After you have finished the Keirsey test,  revisit your initial personality profile and evaluate your personality through the test results and the eyes of the major personality theorists discussed in the textbook and in class in at least one paragraph.

4. Next we will take a short version of IQ and multiple intelligence tests.  If you wish, you may include copies of any other standardized testing results you have received (e.g., PSAT/NMSQT, SAT®)

5. Prepare an analysis of the validity of the various intelligence theories and your own test scores.  Does this truly reflect you and which of the intelligence theories that you looked at in class do you most agree with?

This Personality/Intelligence Portfolio is due on 3/5 with either a hard copy or sent to me via email.  If you use google docs, make sure that I can access your portfolio...

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